1. CHOOSE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER WISELY: Let’s be honest, the majority of clients focus on one thing, the cost! But basing your choice of photographer just on cost is a big mistake, (believe me I’ve done it) - value isn’t always measured in $ and your precious memories shouldn’t be risked on the wrong photographer. You know what they say - you get what you pay for - and this is very often the case. In today’s busy world where everyone can take photos on their iPhones, professional photography is a luxury not a necessity. If you want the skills, expertise and creative flair of a professional rather than doing it yourself, then you want to be sure the photos are going to be better than what you can do yourself - right? So for now forget about the price and look for the best fit for you.
Check out their portfolio or galleries, look at their reviews, read about them on their website - does anything you see resonate with you? Do they sound like the right kind of fit for you? Photographers come in all shapes and sizes and all kinds of genres and styles, it’s not a one size fits all craft - so look for who you can relate to and makes you feel comfortable. Call them and ask questions. You need to find the ones that attract you and you feel you can work with. So obviously liking their work is vitally important because that’s the kind of images you are likely to get from them. You also need to see something of their personality, are they old fashioned and stand-offish, are they fun but professional, are they quirky and different, or something in between, work out what kind of person you want to be taking these photos, because it’s not just about great images at the end, the experience you have during the shoot is also part of it, you want them to bring out the best in you - it will show in the photographs. Then you can start to look at price, do you think their work reflects their price point? What many clients don’t realise is that top of the range photography gear is very, very expensive. And whilst camera’s don’t take photos, (people do!) the kind of equipment a professional is using is going to get you much better image quality and creative options. Now I’m not suggesting you decide just on the gear they use, if fact the technical side is their problem not yours, but you can pretty much guarantee that if their prices are higher, they are using top shelf gear. Now I am also not saying you have to pick the most expensive photographer to get a good one, NO Way! You just need to consider all the elements of the right photographer for you, not just the cost. What is a luxury item, like Photography worth? What amount of money are you willing to invest in preserving your memories with the right person for you?
2. BOOK THE PERFECT DATE: A maternity shoot can happen at any point along your journey into motherhood, and in fact I offer a package called “Nine Months in the Making” that documents the whole thing from finding out your are expecting through to the birth ( Yes, Birth Photos can be AWSOME and Tasteful) and the newborn shoot (The Discovery, The Anticipation, The Arrival, The New Family). But most Mum’s-to-Be generally have a maternity shoot done between 30 - 35 weeks into their pregnancy. There’s a good reason for this, basically you want your gorgeous baby belly to be big enough to show you are actually pregnant and not just recovering from a large meal, and you don’t want it to be so late in your pregnancy that you can’t move into positions easily to get those perfect shots you have been dreaming of. Lastly, you don’t want to leave it so late that you risk having the baby in the studio and missing out on your maternity photos entirely!
So the number 2 tip is to book your session at the right point in your pregnancy. If it’s your first you may find you don’t “show” as quickly as subsequent pregnancies, so leave it more towards the 35 weeks, but if you are already a Mum you are likely to show sooner, so book more towards the 30 week mark. Ultimately, you want your baby belly in all it’s glory, but still be comfortable enough to move around and pose.
3. SUSS OUT YOUR STYLE: Take time to trowl through Pintrest and Goggle to find those to-die-for images that you just have to have for your pregnancy shoot. Some of you alone, some with your husband or partner, and maybe some with your toddler or fur kid - if you have any. These images are not to say you will get exactly the same shot (sometimes that’s not possible due to season, location etc) but what it does is enable your photographer to put together a “Mood Board” that gives the flavour of the kinds of shots you like - your style! Is is all soft, flowing and romantic, is it more skin on skin and raunchy, is it more classic and dignified, will it be indoors, outdoors, in your home, at a studio etc…you get the idea.
4. WHAT WILL YOU WEAR: This is often tied up with point 3 - Style. You need to think about how formal or informal you want the images to look. You can just wear your normal maternity clothes, through to being dressed in flowing gowns, with flower crowns, or diamantes and crystals like a Princess. You could go for the mother earth look or dare to be different with a skin shot (can be done with underwear on and removed later in photoshop) such as Demi Moore did for the cover of Vanity Fare. I can wrap you in fabrics and turn you into a Goddess, the list is endless and really up to you and what you are comfortable with. This is a great opportunity to explore colours and textures and experiment with different looks. The usual clothing advice with regards to colour palette and patterns etc still stand for a maternity shoot, but your photographer can work with your dreams and advise you on what photographs best, especially if there will be other people in the shots.
5. SELF CARE AHEAD OF TIME: Pregnancy is a time for lots of TLC, selfcare and wellness - so a little pampering is always a bonus. Great photos start with a great subject and taking care of your hair, skin and nails will be a fantastic start. The key is MOISTURE - for everything - hair, skin, nails you name it, including your husband/partner. Their hands are especially important as they are likely to feature in the photographs around that precious baby bump. The more soft and supple you look in real life, the better the images will turn out. That’s not to say if you end up with a dreaded pimple on the day we can’t photoshop it, it’s just I feel it’s always best to get things right in camera where you can. We want to capture the true you not some plastic imitation.
6. POSING: In your search for your style you will no doubt find poses that you like, and these can be incorporated into your shoot, along with posing advice and direction from your photographer. Most Mum’s-to-Be are not sidelining as supermodels and haven’t been shown how to pose, it’s the job of your photographer to help you here so that you are photographed at your best and most flattering. Find someone who is honest and you can really trust.
7. YOUR ENTOURAGE: Even if others are going to be part of your shoot, it’s best to have them arrive later - so that we can totally focus on you, the star of the show - the Mum-to-Be. Having your husband or partner there can be nice, but it’s not necessary for the solo shots. Having children and animals (fur kids) should always come much later towards the end of the shoot. Studios are not designed as playgrounds and understandably children and animals can get very bored easily, that’s not relaxing for you and no fun for them either. That’s why it’s best to plan for them to come in the last hour of the shoot when it’s their turn to shine. There is a park across the road from my studio with a playground were a responsible adult can supervise them if needed.
8. FOOD AND DRINK: Most studios don’t allow food and drink on set due to the risks and very expensive equipment involved. But I do encourage my Mum’s-to-Be, to ensure that they have eaten prior to their shoot and bring some bottled water to ensure they stay hydrated. Your health and well-being is the priority at all times.
9. HAIR AND MAKEUP: Some studios offer a pampering package where you get your hair and make-up done as well. I don’t do that, and I’ll tell you why. We are all unique and special and have our own style that makes you you. Some of us wear a lot of make-up, some of us wear none, there is no right or wrong, only YOU! When you get someone else in to do your hair and make-up it can become a bit of a make-over circus, personally I have NEVER been happy with my own experiences of this and I felt it wasn’t me in the images, in fact several times I felt I looked like a street walker! It’s just not my thing. I think that your images should be you, a little bit more groomed and polished perhaps, but still you. Changing your hair or make-up right before you record that look for all eternity can be a disaster. If you are wanting a different look, then I suggest you find a good hairdresser and make-up artist and have a couple of “trial” sessions first, to be sure that the new look is something you are comfortable with. I do provide some clothing and styling tips to my clients, ahead of their shoot, but it’s more along the lines of general grooming, maybe a bit of mascara to emphasis the eyes if you don’t normally wear make up, and about being authentically you. In years to come you want your child to look at your maternity photo and still know it’s you - even if you are dressed as a goddess or princess!
10. SHARE YOUR IDEAS WITH YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER: It’s not your job to have to come up with all the shots, poses, lighting etc, but your photographer is not a mind reader either, They might be the expert but they are not inside your heart and head. By talking with them and sharing your thoughts and ideas there is a much greater chance that you will get the kinds of images you’re dreaming of. I like to ask my clients if they could only have one photo from this day what would it be….This is of course not to say they will only get one photo, but what it does is make them narrow down what is really important in the image they truely crave - is it them alone contemplating motherhood, is it in a warm embrace with their husband/partner, is it all of their “family” - furkids and all surrounding them…..it really helps me to understand what is is they value and what they want from this investment in their memories - so I can make sure I deliver it!
Okay I know I said 10 points - but I have to put this one in as 10.1 - CELEBRATE, RELAX AND ENJOY. Having your photo taken shouldn’t be like a trip to the dentist (not one of my favourite things - I dread it!). It is a precious, joyous time in your life, and you should celebrate the glow of motherhood in all it’s glory - you are doing an amazing thing, a miracle, bringing new life into the world - how awesome are YOU? It lasts for just a fleeting moment in time, don’t waste it!