They say never work with Children and Animals - but they are soooooo wrong!
One of our 7 Grandies, Aria, was turning 5 during Covid 19 restrictions and she is completely Unicorn mad. So it was just perfect when her Mum organised a surprise birthday at #poniesforanyoccassion in Baldivis with two of her cousins, Sienna and Mila. Aria was so surprised and thrilled to get to meet her very own Unicorn (Mistee) whom she immediately named “Sparkle Magic”. Fairy Michelle was leading the Unicorn and the girls all got to have a ride as well as feed and groom “Sparkle Magic”.
Aria was doubly surprised to see her Grandad and YaYa (it’s a long story and no I’m not Greek), there as we had just had a YaYa day with her the day before - but this time we were on more than Grandparent duty - we were there as West Coast Photos (WA) to capture this magical birthday event.
It was a fabulous day, and Meg, Rachel and Michelle were all just the best at ensuring we got the most out of the experience and that we were able to capture that “First Look” from the children and get the best locations for shots of them with the Unicorn. I can thoroughly recommend Meg and her team at Ponies for Any Occasion ( and we would certainly love to work with them again soon. Their horses are just magnificent - I swear two of the Shetlands just wanted to come home with me and I would have let them but they wouldn’t fit into my camera bag!!!
In fact I’m so inspired, I have a few ideas buzzing in my head to work with the horses again, so if you think you might like a “Frozen II Adventure” with a Waterhorse or a Christmas Themed Shoot give me a call on 0412 562 832 and I’m sure we can work something out (I’ve already ordered some costumes!).